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Glasshouse Mountains, Queensland, Australia

DSC_0173.jpg A 1955 Chrysler New Yorker, seen in the Glasshouse Mountains Lookout parking lot, QueenslandThumbnailsGlasshouse Mountains, QueenslandA 1955 Chrysler New Yorker, seen in the Glasshouse Mountains Lookout parking lot, QueenslandThumbnailsGlasshouse Mountains, QueenslandA 1955 Chrysler New Yorker, seen in the Glasshouse Mountains Lookout parking lot, QueenslandThumbnailsGlasshouse Mountains, QueenslandA 1955 Chrysler New Yorker, seen in the Glasshouse Mountains Lookout parking lot, QueenslandThumbnailsGlasshouse Mountains, Queensland

Usually, a hazy sky detracts from the quality of a landscape photo. In this case, however, it seemed to enhance it - giving it a dreamy, painting-like quality.

(February 15, 2010. Nikon D5000, 1/30s @ f/11, 18mm, ISO 200.)

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