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Antelope Canyon, near Page, Arizona

DSC_1706_7_8Auto.jpg Horseshoe Bend (Colorado River), near Page, ArizonaThumbnails"The Photographer"Horseshoe Bend (Colorado River), near Page, ArizonaThumbnails"The Photographer"Horseshoe Bend (Colorado River), near Page, ArizonaThumbnails"The Photographer"Horseshoe Bend (Colorado River), near Page, ArizonaThumbnails"The Photographer"

The 'slot canyons' of the U.S. Southwest are favorite spots for photography. Because of the extremely high dynamic range (between the dark and sunlit regions), exposure bracketing is almost essential in order to get good photographs here.

(April 18, 2010. Nikon D5000, exposure blending from 3-shot bracketed exposure (-2,0,+2 EV) @ f/16, 26mm, ISO 200.)

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