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Inside the Hagia Sophia

DSC_3823_4_5.jpg Transit of VenusThumbnailsMonument Valley at SunsetTransit of VenusThumbnailsMonument Valley at SunsetTransit of VenusThumbnailsMonument Valley at SunsetTransit of VenusThumbnailsMonument Valley at Sunset

Just hours after photographing the Transit of Venus, I took another photo that became one of this year's favorites. This photo shows the expansive interior of one of the world's most historic buildings - the "Hagia Sophia", in Istanbul, Turkey. Completed in 537 AD, this was the largest Christian cathedral in the world for almost 1000 years. After the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople in 1453, it became a mosque. It is now a museum.

(June 6, 2012. Nikon D5000, exposure blending from a 3-shot bracketed exposure @ f/7.1, 13mm, ISO 200.)

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