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Reflected Heron

DSC_4970.jpg Looking across the Ohio River towards Fort Knox, Kentucky, from 38 Degrees North, 86 Degrees WestThumbnails46 Degrees North, 74 Degrees WestLooking across the Ohio River towards Fort Knox, Kentucky, from 38 Degrees North, 86 Degrees WestThumbnails46 Degrees North, 74 Degrees WestLooking across the Ohio River towards Fort Knox, Kentucky, from 38 Degrees North, 86 Degrees WestThumbnails46 Degrees North, 74 Degrees WestLooking across the Ohio River towards Fort Knox, Kentucky, from 38 Degrees North, 86 Degrees WestThumbnails46 Degrees North, 74 Degrees West

This heron - wading in a wetland pool in the outer suburbs of Indianapolis - seems to be completely unaware that it is standing on the point where 40 Degrees North meets 86 Degrees West.

(May 24, 2018. Nikon D7200, 1/500s @ f/13, 300 mm, ISO 500.)

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