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Hole in the Wall Beach, Jervis Bay Territory

DSC_1194.jpg No, not a tattood leg, but natural markings on a gum (eucalyptus) tree (near the [-34,150] degree confluence point), N.S.W.ThumbnailsStanding at the highest point in Australia: Mount Kosciuszko (7,310 ft)No, not a tattood leg, but natural markings on a gum (eucalyptus) tree (near the [-34,150] degree confluence point), N.S.W.ThumbnailsStanding at the highest point in Australia: Mount Kosciuszko (7,310 ft)No, not a tattood leg, but natural markings on a gum (eucalyptus) tree (near the [-34,150] degree confluence point), N.S.W.ThumbnailsStanding at the highest point in Australia: Mount Kosciuszko (7,310 ft)No, not a tattood leg, but natural markings on a gum (eucalyptus) tree (near the [-34,150] degree confluence point), N.S.W.ThumbnailsStanding at the highest point in Australia: Mount Kosciuszko (7,310 ft)
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